
Coach the Right People

Master Managers know that their success depends upon the team that they create and manage.

The main goal of this chapter is to learn how to build and align your team around the vision and goals that you have created.
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Learn how to build the right team.

Create a position description.

Understand the role of a good coach. 

Write your awesome label here.

Winning managers know that putting the right people in the right positions is key to company


A Sneak Peak of
Coach the Right People

Learn how to build the right team
Write your awesome label here.

Dive into a self-paced preview of the GoalMakers program, see the material and learner experience for yourself! 

Here is what we will cover in Coach the Right People

Learn how to build the right team.

You often forget that the right person for the job might not be the one with the best résumé.
Teams that work most effectively together are not always the best on their own. They are the best because each person succeeds at playing a specific role within the team.

Create a position description.

As people move into new roles, it is essential that everyone understands exactly what is expected and required of them in that role.
We will provide templates to help you build a position description that makes these roles and expectations clear for everyone

Understand the role of a good coach.

Once the right person is in a position where they can succeed, and their position is defined clearly, the next step is to make sure that they are supported with good coaching in order to achieve success.
Coaching each individual effectively empowers them to achieve their goals in their own way.

Leadership & Management.

No amount of managerial success can adequately compensate for a failure in leadership skill.

Hire The Right Person, Not The Right Résumé.

Sometimes, the person who submitted the most stellar résumé really will be the best fit. But other times, you may discover that the candidate is not quite as perfect as their résumé was.

  Coach Them To Excellence.

That means that each person must be treated differently, not the same, and that the coach must nurture the talents that each person already possesses.

By the end of this section you will have:

Define the position and requirements.

Find the
right person.

Coach each person to excellence.

Hire the right person, not the right résumé.

Learn about the next section: 
Serve The Right Customer