Focus on the Process, Not a Plan

Master Managers agree that things
change so quickly that today's plan may
soon be outdated.
In this section, you will learn the organizational and strategic thinking skills needed in an ever-changing market.
By the end of this section you will learn:
Write your awesome label here.
A Sneak Peak of
Focus on the Process,
Not a Plan
the spider diagram
Write your awesome label here.
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Here is what we will cover in Focus on the Process, Not a Plan
Learn the process of planning.
The planning process is more important than the plan itself. Learn how to make this a recurring part of your daily work activities.
Sample Questionnaire
for Baseline Planning.
The questionnaire would be different for each company, but the one we have included on the following page can be adapted for your unique needs and serves as a useful foundation for information collection.
The Spider Approach.
This approach was designed to take less time but still provide you with the tools you need to adapt quickly to changes in your business and your environment.
Identify Your Market Opportunities.
Market opportunities are those opportunities that your firm could realistically expect to exploit given reasonable resources, training, and focus.
Modify Strategies in Light of New Information.
When you are aware of the constant importance of your planning process, and on the lookout for information that will build that process, you'll notice things you never saw before.
The Importance of Committing to Goals.
The reason we set goals is not because we are committing to a plan, but committing to our destination.